Finding little pockets of goodness amidst the corona virus crisis

Barely a few days into ‘social distancing’, and already the world is changing. Suddenly, we find ourselves together, all day long, in our home, with nowhere to go, no visitors, no clock to watch, no groups to rush around to, no commitments. Te first couple of days have felt a bit like a holiday. It hasn’t quite sunk in, I don’t think, that this is life for the foreseeable future.

Suddenly our world got so very small.

Thank goodness for social media in these times. The teens can facetime friends, send Tik Tok videos and have Netflix parties. I can keep connected with friends and family, essential when suddenly we all feel isolated in our own homes.

It’s all a little surreal. People are struggling to adjust to this new normal. The kids are already missing friends and groups and the business of normal life. It’s hard to imagine a life for the next few months that doesn’t involve friends and family, days out, groups, holidays, even just a coffee out…

And yet…. in this space that has suddenly opened up, in this time that we’ve found ourselves with, I can feel the goodness creeping in. There is no point in moaning and complaining. this is what it is, I cannot change what is going on.

The only thing we have control over is how we choose to react. I’m choosing to be grateful that we now have more time together, more time to do the things that we never seem to have time for anymore.

If there is one thing this is showing me, it’s how far off course we as a society have come. So reliant on the supermarkets, instead of on ourselves. It’s wonderful to see community spirit growing, people going out of their way to help each other and make sure everyone has what they need.

We take for granted the ability to have what we want/need whenever we like. The empty shelves in the supermarkets show just how privileged we are.

The kiddos and I have been sowing seeds this week. Once upon a time, I grew quite a bit of veg. Somewhere along the line, that has stopped as I ‘didn’t have the time’.. know I do, and I remember how much I like this slower pace of life. Days when we can spend it at home when the kiddos amuse themselves in the garden as I potter around planting and watering and weeding.

It’s making me look at every aspect of our lives, how much waste we make, our food usage… I can see a lot of folk making some big changes to their lives through this pandemic.

Let’s find all the good we can in this situation, use the extra time at home to our advantage, come out the other side stronger and happier and not so caught up in the hectic-ness of modern life.

Slow and simple can be a good life too.

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