Month: August 2019


Finding our way

It’s a Saturday morning as I sit and write this. We’ve been awake for a couple of hours, me and the littlest three. We’ve had pancakes, tea, I’ve showered, Beastie and Baya have been on the trampoline, the baby has played and nursed and been cuddled, and just gone down for a nap. The kettle...

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Postpartum Anxiety

Postpartum anxiety doesn’t get talked about anywhere near as much as postpartum depression. And while I knew that I had PPD after my second child was born, postpartum anxiety never occurred to me. It’s only been in the last three years when I’ve struggled with depression and anxiety that I’ve realised that I definitely had...

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5 tips for buying a used car

With plans to start my driving lessons in the next few weeks, I’m starting to think about buying a car next year. I’ll be saving up for a few months, and keeping my eyes open for a second-hand car. Obviously, I need a people carrier as there are so many of us to fit in!...

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Oren Sage Malachi – Eight Week Update

Eight whole weeks of Oren! Time is flying by far too fast. It’s bittersweet watching him grow and change every day. Looking back at his newborn photos it seems both like yesterday and like forever ago. He’s changed so much in how he looks, his little face has unsquished now, and he’s slowly unfurling. He’s...

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Listening to my heart song

The last few years have been a rollercoaster, there have been some major ups and downs, life has been shaken about more than once and I’ve continuously had to pick myself up and dust myself off and start again. There have been times when I’ve felt lost, and haven’t known who I was or where...

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Simple makeovers to make your bedroom cozy

Ideally, your bedroom should be the coziest place in the house. However, we often compromise on comfort to get the aesthetics right. With these simple makeover tips, you can turn your bedroom into your cozy little heaven. Add lighting Play around with the lighting in your bedroom. Hang some string lights on a sheet or...

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Conscious Tribal Gathering

Last weekend, the kiddos and I headed to the wilds and took Oren to his first festival {and second camping trip}. Conscious Tribal Gathering is set in the beautiful Welsh countryside, not far from Llangollen. It was our first time there, though friends had been before and so many of our friends went for the...

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