Dear Bean – Week Thirty Six
Dear Bean
It’s been a looong week. I am more tired than I ever thought possible and getting achier and achier by the day. I am SO ready to not be pregnant now!
My midwife came last Friday for my home visit. I’m lucky that she’s super lovely and supportive of home births. They’ll be on call from 37 weeks to attend – which is next week. Yikes! Time has suddenly vanished and it’s almost time for him to be here. I’m not holding my breath that he’ll come early – I made that mistake with Beastie and then he was a week late and I was not a happy Mama! But the sooner he comes the better, I am tired and will be mightily glad when he’s earthside.
Otherwise, all is good, I’m as ready as I’ll ever be for a new baby. Everything is in place, I made a load of washable wipes out of some old towels the other day, found a basket to organise all the cloth nappies in. Now it’s just a case of waiting and trying to remember to not expect too much of myself. I find these last few weeks hard. I don’t like not being able to physically do everything I want/need to, I’m not good at the lack of control I have over when it is going to happen and I get anxious to know how it’s all going to play out – that’s the control freak in me taking over there!
Get me to next week, and I’ll be trying every old wives tale in the book to try and convince him to come out!
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