Three Good Things


Happy Monday! I’m kicking off a new series on the blog today, one of my goals for this year is to keep a daily gratitude journal. For the last two weeks, I’ve been making a list of ten things I’m thankful for every day in my journal. I thought I’d let it spill over into this space, a couple of years ago I did a #52weeksofgratitude series on here, and it really made me stop and think each week about all the good in my life – not big things, just little everyday moments that make me happy.
SO…. here we go, sharing three good things from this past week. If you want to link up with any happy/gratitude/good things posts, I’d love to read yours!

1| Family movie nights – we watched Goodbye Christopher Robin on Saturday, me and all four kiddos. It’s increasingly hard to find a movie that everyone likes, but this one went down pretty well with everyone {though there were a few tears near the end!}. I love Saturday nights, all piled in the living room, some munchies and a good movie. Simple pleasures, but always so fun.

2| Vlogging!! – So if you read last weeks’ goals post, you’ll remember that I said one of my goals was to start vlogging again. I decided to bite the bullet and just do it already. So vlog number one of 2018 is live on my channel – and they’ll be more coming soon!

3| Running – I made it out for three runs this week. Two 5k runs, and then a 3k run with two kids and a pushchair! I think I need to invest in a proper running pushchair, as it was great being able to go out all of us but my Bugaboo isn’t really designed for jogging with!


What has made you happy this week?

Here’s my button if you’d like to inlcude it on your post

Enchanted Pixie

1 Comment

  1. Laura

    January 21, 2018 at 23:15

    Oh I love this, will try and join in. I am all about going back and reviewing the positives and being grateful for those small moments that make up life. I am going to pop over to your channel now to have a watch of your vlog :) so glad you getting back into vlogging

    Laura x

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