Month: July 2016



A portrait of my kiddos, once a week for a year. Running a little behind, these should have been up last week but we were away – four kiddos who had the best time ever at Camp Bestival!

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Sofas, memories and family life

When I was little, I always dreamed of a house of my own. Of how I’d decorate it, and the furniture I’d choose. A favourite rainy day activity was to pour over my Mum’s catalogues and pick out furniture for every room of my dream house. When I finally grew up and got my first...

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The decline of outdoor play

One of the things I loved the most when I was a child was playing outside. I grew up in a little village, and right behind my Dad’s house were several fields – two of which belonged to my Grandma. I spent hours playing down there, walking our dog, climbing trees, building dens… getting dirty...

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A capsule wardrobe for a festival

I’m not known for packing light, even though until recently we didn’t have a car, meaning we often went on holiday by train, trying to pack only what I needed never really happened. I’m a great one for ‘what ifs’ – meaning I seemed to take half my wardrobe [and then some] with me. After...

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15 fantastic crafts to keep your kids busy this summer!

Even though my kids don’t go to school, we still usually take the summer ‘off’ – we’re generally busy with holidays, catching up with friends, summer activities and {hoepfully} enjoying the sunshine! I still like to have some fun activities planned, to fill those days we spend at home with nothing particular to do {they...

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Smoothies for hot summer days

I’ve been making a conscious effort lately to inject a little more goodness into our diets, as well as cutting down on the amount of sugar and junk we’ve been eating. It helps, of course, that it’s summer – it always makes salad and fruit far more appetising! We’ve been getting into the habit of...

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