Smoothies for hot summer days

smoothies with alpro

I’ve been making a conscious effort lately to inject a little more goodness into our diets, as well as cutting down on the amount of sugar and junk we’ve been eating. It helps, of course, that it’s summer – it always makes salad and fruit far more appetising! We’ve been getting into the habit of making a smoothie for our mid-afternoon snack. It really helps fill our tummies and keep us going between meals, as well as a being a great way to sneak some fruit {and veg} into the kids! They are also great for these hot, summer days when no one is really hungry.

Kiki especially really loves helping me to make the smoothies, and coming up with fun combinations! I make sure our fruit bowl is always well stocked, and that we have extra’s like milk, juice, yogurt, greens and seeds to add to the mix. Smoothies are a great way to get greens into reluctant kids – I always sneak some in – usually baby spinach leaves.

fruit and alpro for smoothies

These are our three current favourite smoothie combo’s {all these make enough for me and the four kids}

Cherry Banana – 3 bananas, 1/2 cup pitted cherries, 1/2 cup greens, 3tbsp natural yogurt, 1 tbsp sesame seeds, 1 cup soya milk

Kiwi Blueberry 4 kiwis, 1 banana, 1/2 cup blueberries, 1/2 cup greens, 1/2 cup apple juice, 1/2 cup water, 2 tbsp yogurt

Berry Pineapple 1 cup berries, 1/2 cup pineapple, 1/2 cup greens, 2 tbsp yogurt, 1 cup water, handful walnuts

kiwi blueberry smoothie

Just pop all your ingredients in your blender, and whizz until smooth! Adding a funky straw always seems to help the kids want to drink it all up ;) If you’re looking for some more inspiration for a different smoothie combo, Alpro have a great smoothie inspiration platform that’s definitely worth a look.

What is your favourite smoothie?

smoothie ingredients

Post in association with Alpro


  1. Candy Pop

    July 21, 2016 at 17:02

    That looks and sounds delicious, perfect for a hot day like today. x

  2. Katy

    July 21, 2016 at 17:28

    Oooo, I made a smoothie today and I was annoyed that I couldn’t think of more interesting ingredients so this is the perfect post for me. Love the sound of the cherry and banana one and I’ll definitely take a look at the Alpro site, too x

  3. Eleanor (The Bristol Parent)

    July 21, 2016 at 20:45

    Mine is pretty similar to yours: 1 banana, big handful of frozen cherries. 1 handful blackberries. Slosh of milk, spoon of nut butter, some walnuts if I’ve got them. Greek yoghurt and honey if I’ve got that. Hooray, breakfast!

  4. Rachel

    July 25, 2016 at 16:17

    In my mind smoothies always have banana in – I’m not a fan. My fav is strawberry, blueberry and yoghurt. Nothing else. Mmm. Might have to remember to make one for breakfast tomorrow.

  5. Kathryn

    July 26, 2016 at 17:57

    Like the sound of these. My kids are fairly good at eating fruit but smoothies are just so much more exciting and yummy aren’t they!? Will try to whizz some up over the summer holidays. Thanks for the recipe suggestions xx

  6. Lottie | Oyster & Pearl

    July 29, 2016 at 20:40

    Ooh, great post! Am always on the hunt for good smoothie recipes.

    Thanks! x

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