This Season

Sitting in bed this morning, nursing Vega, listening to his little snuffles as he dozed back off to sleep, hearing the birds singing outside, and enjoying the peace of the early morning, I started thinking about the season we’re in as a family.
Things move and change at a rapid pace. Our babies grow before our eyes, into toddlers, then children, then teenagers and eventually into adults. This life we have now, won’t stay the same forever. Each day can be lived and enjoyed just once.
It seems there are always a million things to do, a million things on my to-do list. Never enough hours in the day to fit it all in, around books to be read, and babies to be nursed, children to be hugged and teenagers who need a chat.
Somedays my feet barely touch the ground. I rush from one thing to the next, feeling stressed, thinking about how it will be easier when the kiddos are bigger.
Then I stop.
They’re only this little once. And I want to enjoy every single moment of this season. This season right now is my favourite, though as things change that will be my favourite season too.
I have a 3 month old, a 6 year old, an 8 year old and an 11 year old.
An old lady smiled at me in the park the other day, walking past with my tribe. “You have beautiful children” she said, “I miss those days” and she smiled again and went on her way.
And I tried to hold back the tears. It’s true. One day, I’ll look back on this time and miss it with all my heart.
Wish for just one more morning spent nursing the baby.
Wish for one more ‘one more story Mama’
Wish for the weight of a child in my lap
The feel of a body snuggled into mine in the middle of the night.
It’s a bittersweet job, this raising children. So exciting to see them grow and learn new things. So sad that it is over so fast.
So I’m going to slow down and enjoy this season. Whatever season you’re in, make sure that you enjoy it x
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Slummy single mummy
April 15, 2015 at 10:06A lovely post and very true. My girls are 19 and 12 and already the baby days seem like another life. It makes me sad not just because they are gone, but because the memories fade and one day you realise you don’t even remember a lot of the time when they were little.
Jess @ Along Came Cherry
April 16, 2015 at 06:20Sob. I feel like crying now, but it’s so true. Cherry is going to be 5 this year and it’s gone so so fast. It won’t be long before they don’t need us anymore and go off to start their own journey in the world. I feel broody all of a sudden! x
April 16, 2015 at 13:38Oh Polly this brought tears to my eyes! Probably as I’m feeling super emotional about today about Theo going to school in September. I just can’t believe how quickly it’s all gone, just like that he’s grown up and old enough for school…I’m off to sob in the corner!
April 17, 2015 at 22:39Aww this is such a lovely post and so true, I’m often rushing so much I think I’m missing all the little important things. This is a good reminder to enjoy the snuggles when we can get them. x
April 21, 2015 at 10:55So true xxx Enjoy this season and the rest, Polly xxx
katie albury
April 21, 2015 at 14:38Beautiful post. I’m feeling something similar right now, but with my pregnancy. It’s so precious and I’m loving every minute, but I get emotional thinking about it being over even though I’ll have a baby then, I can’t imagine that part just yet, only this little bump which I’m so attached to already! x
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August 26, 2015 at 09:15[…] This Season – because it comes from my heart and captures what is most important to me. […]