Around here

prettiest tea cup

californian pizza for lunch

friendly mannequins

pretty flowers

sleepy baya

iwoot cushion

making a handmade doll

optical illuision fun

Hot Chocolates

prettiest teacup // tasty lunch // friendly mannequins // sleepy Baya // new cushion // making optical illusions // Kiki making a handmade doll for Baya’s birthday // hot chocolates

A snapshot of life around here lately, as seen through my Instagram. I love Instagram, it’s a great place to share little snippets of our daily life, I can share them on twitter and facebook too, so family who don’t live close by get a glimpse into our days. It’s also a great way to keep those memories alive, being able to look back over little pieces of the last few days is really special.

This week has been another busy one, lots of work for this mama on top of home-schooling/housework/playing/crafting/a zillion other day-to-day things. Thankfully it was a home school group friday, meaning the kiddos spent the day playing and I spent the day drinking coffee and chatting with some other mamas. Love those fridays!

It’s been mostly sunny this week, the new lawn seed is starting to grow and I have hope that I won’t just have a muddy patchy lawn all summer long… looking forward to the days we can sit out all day long, reading and crafting in the garden.

This week: We got a gorgeous new cushion c/o iwantoneofthose.com, it has pride of place on my bed, Baya picked me some pretty daisies for the kitchen, I’ve been eating lots of healthy foods all week {and a little Frankie and Bennie’s pizza… having waiter for a hubby has it’s benefits!}, Baya found some friendly mannequins in H&M, Kiki has been working hard on a little handmade doll ready for Baya’s birthday tomorrow, we went to the opening of an Optical Illusion exhibition at a local art space on Thursday evening, I’ve drunk gallons of early grey out of the prettiest tea cup and Lola squealed with joy when she opened this box full of hot chocolates we got sent!

What have you been up to this week??

pee.ess… don’t forget to enter the Etsy Giftcard giveaway!!


  1. Adele Jarrett-Kerr

    March 22, 2014 at 10:12

    I love your home style. That cushion looks perfect on your bed. Laurence’s aunt is a potter and your mug looks just like one of hers. You’ve also made me want to colour my keyboard! It’s lovely getting a snapshot into your lives. Our week has been getting out to groups and seeing friends, then trying to survive the fussy period until Laurence gets home and puts Talitha to bed and Ophelia magically decides she’ll stop randomly crying! I really want us to do some crafts but it’s going to take some preparation. Your pics make me so happy we’re going to be home edding too!

  2. laura redburn

    March 22, 2014 at 12:19

    how sweet to handmake a doll! love that crochet blanket and your bedsheets!

  3. Fritha

    March 22, 2014 at 17:07

    LOVE those daisies in a jar. Your girls are so cute!! x

  4. Laura

    March 22, 2014 at 22:41

    I love instagram too – such a great way to visual document your week. It sounds like you are really busy at the moment which is always a good thing, just don’t get too overwhelmed (which happens to me sometimes). Those home-school fridays sound lovely for everyone involved :)

    Laura x

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