Tag: Daily Life


Weekly musings

I’ve sat staring at an empty page for a long time. No words coming to me. My mind has been shrouded in fog the last few days, motivation has been lacking and my mood is low. The ups and down seem more pronounced right now. Trying to be kind to myself and to not put...

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Monday Musings

I’ve spent half the day trying to work out what day it is, before remembering it is only the beginning of the week! We had such a good weekend I’m feeling fulfilled and inspired. We spent Saturday afternoon/evening with friends, built a trampoline, ate lots of food, drank some cider, sat outdoors until it got...

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Breaking the silence

Somehow it’s September, and it has been forever since I wrote here. We’ve fully been immersed in summer adventures, and the time has flown by. I thought I should pop on and say hi! I am still here, still working, still loving life, and growing every day. I’ve been so busy all summer, working and...

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weekend, single parent, daily life, flowers, enchanted pixie, polly jemima, single mama


Weekend Reflections

It’s a very wet day here in Wales. I’m curled up on the sofa, Oren is napping on my knee whilst I’m doing some writing and watching A Star is Born {again}. The kids are all out – one at gymnastics, one with his Dad, others with friends. It’s been a deliciously slow and quiet...

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bare feet, grounding, earthing, wild flowers, celandine


Weekend Reflections

Saturday again. Another week done and dusted. It’s flown by yet felt like three weeks all at once. I’ve felt a bit better at having balanced work/life/sleep this week. I even had one night when I think Oren slept through…. I could be wrong, but I woke up at 6am on the same side of...

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Saturday night cleaning….

Oh how times change.  I found myself on Saturday night, home alone with just the two boys, with all three girls out! Baya had an awards evening for her gymnastics, and Lola and Kiki had their last drama show and after-party. And so begins the period of me waiting up for the girls to get...

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Life, Lately

Hello! September…. seems this summer flew by! We’re easing ourselves back into our normal rhythms this week, Lola went back to school yesterday and the little three and I added some last bits to our summer bullet journals and started this month’s book club book. Today the littlest two are with their dad for a...

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