Pumpkin spiced saturdays

pumpkin spice latte

Happy Saturday! We don’t have much planned for our weekend – kiddos have various groups all day today, Miss Lola is doing her training session so she can be a youth volunteer at our local musuem. Tomorrow we have a whole day with nothing we have to do… weather depending we may go for a walk. It’s been pretty awful all week – wet and windy, though we’ve missed the worst of it, many places have been hit hard with the storms and floods.

I’ve been trying hard to clean up my diet this week, I’d fallen into bad habits over the past few months – taking it in hand and cutting out the junk and adding in way more fruit and veg. Treating myself to a homemade pumpkin pie spice latte this morning, while I tackle the housework! It’s yummy {and cheaper than starbucks ;) }

To make the pumpkin pie spice you’ll need:

4 tablespoons ground cinnamon
4 tablespoons ground nutmeg
4 tablespoons ground ginger
4 tablespoons ground allspice

I keep mine mixed in an old spice jar… to make the latte, I heat some soy milk in a pan, add a sprinkle or two of the spice mix and a squirt of honey to sweeten. Whisk the milk, once hot {but not boiling} pour it over a shot of coffee and enjoy!

Here’s a few weekend links for you:

Can’t wait to try out this vegan pizza recipe

How cute are these valentine’s tags?

‘My practice of soul yoga’ – LOVE this post

This Hint of Mint Chocolate Milkshake sounds good for a movie night with the kiddos

This garden makes me wish summer would hurry up already

Drooling over everything in Fritha’s shop.. .specifically this, this and this

What do you have planned for the weekend?


  1. Fritha

    February 8, 2014 at 17:04

    YUM! I need to make this, I always find the starbucks one a bit too much but this sounds like it might be less sweet? x

    1. polly

      February 8, 2014 at 17:29

      yes! the starbucks one is way too sweet… this is just right, you can add as much or as little honey as you like :)

  2. Kimberly

    February 8, 2014 at 19:18

    Yummy! I will definitely be trying this.

  3. abigail oliver

    February 8, 2014 at 22:35

    oo that sounds lovely! Sounds much the same as our weekend, just staying close to home and venturing out on a walk! I might have to try that mint hot chocolate, I love anything mint chocolate!

  4. Lori

    February 9, 2014 at 22:22

    Ooh this sounds yummy and easy to make, will have to test this one out and loving those valentine tags x

  5. Laura

    February 9, 2014 at 23:02

    This pumpkin pie spiced latte sounds so dreamy! Just checked my cupboard and have all of these ingredients – so this is going to happen tomorrow :)

    Laura x

    1. polly

      February 11, 2014 at 09:18

      I could drink it all day every day…

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