Tag: single mama


Feeling the load

Lately, I’ve been feeling the load – the overwhelm of all that parenting brings, especially as a single parent. Getting kids ready for Uni/College/Groups, figuring out who needs to be where and when, who needs dinner at what time. Juggling work and children. Home ed. Kids at college. Bills. Money {or lack of}. Meals. Housework....

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Breaking the silence

Somehow it’s September, and it has been forever since I wrote here. We’ve fully been immersed in summer adventures, and the time has flown by. I thought I should pop on and say hi! I am still here, still working, still loving life, and growing every day. I’ve been so busy all summer, working and...

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weekend, single parent, daily life, flowers, enchanted pixie, polly jemima, single mama


Weekend Reflections

It’s a very wet day here in Wales. I’m curled up on the sofa, Oren is napping on my knee whilst I’m doing some writing and watching A Star is Born {again}. The kids are all out – one at gymnastics, one with his Dad, others with friends. It’s been a deliciously slow and quiet...

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lighthouse, sea, coast, beach


Like a swan on water

Bear with me here…. think of the swan we see, gracefuly gliding across the water, a picture of grace and ease. What we don’t see is what is hidden below the surface. We don’t see the hard work that the swan’s feet are putting in, paddling away like crazy to keep the swan in motion....

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