Weekend Reflections

weekend, single parent, daily life, flowers, enchanted pixie, polly jemima, single mama

It’s a very wet day here in Wales. I’m curled up on the sofa, Oren is napping on my knee whilst I’m doing some writing and watching A Star is Born {again}. The kids are all out – one at gymnastics, one with his Dad, others with friends. It’s been a deliciously slow and quiet Saturday morning, hiding away from the rain. After a busy week, it’s utter bliss to have an almost empty house and a few hours when I don’t have to do anything.

I’vve found myself thinking lots this week, realising how far I have come, how all my hard work is paying off. I feel as though all my dreams and hopes are coming into fruiation at long last. I’ve been pushing myself, challenging old behaviours and beliefs, putting plans into action, doing the inner work, slowly changing this life around.

Stopping and taking stock lets us see how far we’ve come, gives us a chance to check we’re still on the right path, and know what’s next.

Once I hated an empty, quiet house – hating being ME, alone, with no distractions. Now – I love it, it’s a time to foucs on me, on what I want to do, to check in with myself and unwind.

A couple more hours, and I’ll have a house overflowing with people again, they’ll be noise and laughter, music blaring, arguements, food being cooked and memories being made. These are the days.

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