Tag: parenting


Summer Reading Challenge

We’re a family of book lovers. G and I have always loved to read, and I’m so glad we’ve passed that love on to our kiddos. People who visit our home often comment on how many books we have {and that’s after a huge cull last year!}. I can remember once, when one of the...

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Summer Bucket List {and free printable}

Summer is finally here, we’re wrapping up a few homeschool projects and the like before we head fully into summer mode. While obviously we’re not tied to school holidays, we still usually switch off for a few weeks over the summer, simply because we want to enjoy the lovely weather and also there are always...

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Vega’s 18 month update

18 months!!! It seems like ages since I last posted an update {you can see his previous monthly updates here}. These past six months since his first birthday have flown by, and it’s crazy that my little man is a year and a half old already! Time needs to slow down please – Timehop kills...

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My first born is a teenager now. That truly blows my mind. Thirteen is such a milestone birthday – leaving childhood behind and entering those teenage years, with womanhood just a blink away. These have been the fastest thirteen years of my life. You’re the baby who made me a Mama, who turned my world...

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Two years of you

Sitting on my bed, you snuggled in my arms, nursing, cuddling my hair and getting ready for some sleep {I hope}. You still fit in my lap, though now there are arms and legs everywhere. A handful of hair, poking and pulling, prodding my face. Every now and then you go still, and I can...

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25 Rainy Day Activities

Living in Wales we’re used to lots of rainy days. While sometimes we don’t have a choice but to go out and about, and some days we don’t mind going out in the rain, there are plenty of days when we want to stay home and keep dry. If you have got toddlers or pre-schoolers...

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