Tag: parenting


Vega’s Birth Story

I spent the last trimester of my pregnancy convinced I would give birth well before my due date. Our third child was three weeks early, and this bump sat really low the whole time. Even my midwife told me I’d deliver well before my due date. So as the 22nd December came and went, I...

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Vega – 4 week update

Vega was four weeks old yesterday…. I’m sat here nursing him this morning, and I can’t imagine he’s been here four weeks already, but equally it feels like he’s always been here. We’ve settled into our new normal now, routines are getting back on track, we’ve figuring our way around this whole newborn thing again...

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Vega – 3 week update

These weeks are flying by! Vega is doing great, he was weighed last Thursday and had put another 10oz on this past week – he weighed in at 10lb 12oz! I packed away all his newborn stuff as it was too small to start with, and I think another week and his 0-3 months clothes...

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Vega – two week update!

2 weeks! I can see him changing already, filling out, starting to take more notice of what is going on around him. He’s still feeding really well. He feeds around 3 times in the night right now – 11-ish, 2-ish and 4-ish… then we’re up for the day about half past seven. He feeds more...

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Vega – One Week Update!

Um…. 1 week old already! Can we please slow down time so this little squish doesn’t grow too fast?! We’ve had a great first week… even after an almost 6 year gap since having a newborn around, we’ve slotted straight back into it. His big sisters are totally smitten, and have been great little helpers...

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Welcome Vega!

He’s here! Vega was born on Sunday 28th December 2014, after just 3 hours of labour at home. We’re all totally smitten with our little guy, and soaking up some precious baby time. It’ll be a little quiet around these parts for a day or two, but I will be back soon with his birth...

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