A family meal plan for April

A little late posting this, as the littlest two and I have been sick this week. Hoping today’s sunshine sticks around – it is certainly helping me feel a little better today! This is what we’ll be eating this month, well at least aiming too. I like to have a plan of what we’ll eat,...

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A Family Meal Plan for March

I’m on the ball this month – 1st of the Month and I have this month’s meal plan ready to share! I’m hoping March will bring more spring-like weather, though I’m not counting on it, so still planning on lots of warming foods just in case! As usual, I’ll be feeding five of us –...

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A family meal plan for September

I was weirdly excited for this month’s meal plan. September feels like the start of a new season. Summer is over, kids are back to school {or not back to school}, the long, lazy days of summer have finished and we’re back to our usual rhythms. The nights start drawing in, the mornings are cooler and...

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A family meal plan for May

The monthly meal plan I made last month was a huge success. Having a whole month mapped out ahead, instead of just a week made a big difference. It’s one less job to have to think about each week, and it really did mean we ate a bigger variety of meals with far less repetition. You can...

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A family meal plan for a month

I’ve shared MEAL PLANS on here before, though not for a while. Meal planning has slipped these last few months, I’ve not had the brain power to think more than a few hours ahead, so it’s been a case of scramble whatever I can find for dinner each night. The past couple of weeks I’ve...

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Autumn Meal Ideas

It’s October and officially Autumn. There’s a definite chill in the air, the lawn is damp in the mornings and my sandals have been packed away until next year {sob}. I spent a bit of time pulling together some meal ideas for my Autumn Meal Plans {which I’ll start sharing again!}. It’s time to think...

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Family Meal Plan #4

I’ve missed a couple of weeks of blogging our meal plan, so thought I would quickly share what we are eating this week! MONDAY – Pesto Pasta & part-baked rolls TUESDAY – Roast Chicken, Mexican Salad, Bread WEDNESDAY – Hassleback Potatoes & Boston Baked Beans THURSDAY -Tagliatelle with Cream Cheese Sauce & Garlic Bread, Brocolli &...

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