Family Meal Plan #4

meal plan #4

I’ve missed a couple of weeks of blogging our meal plan, so thought I would quickly share what we are eating this week!

MONDAY – Pesto Pasta & part-baked rolls

TUESDAY – Roast Chicken, Mexican Salad, Bread

WEDNESDAY – Hassleback Potatoes & Boston Baked Beans

THURSDAY -Tagliatelle with Cream Cheese Sauce & Garlic Bread, Brocolli & Corn on the Cobs

FRIDAY – Chicken Enchilada’s, Wedges & Salad

SATURDAY –  Flat bread Pizzas

SUNDAY – Bacon & Avocado Salad {yum!!}


What is on your menu this week?

1 Comment

  1. Kim Carberry

    June 22, 2016 at 09:39

    Ohh yum! Everything sounds delicious especially the Bacon & Avocado Salad! Yum indeed x

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