Tag: Camp Bestival


5 Fun Family Festivals for 2024

I’ve been taking the kids to festivals since the girls were little. Camp Bestival and Just So were two of our favourites when the girls were little – they have such amazing memories of weekends spent in a field with friends, old and new. There are so many great festivals for families on offer –...

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Camp Bestival 2016 Review

I can’t believe it’s already been two weeks since Camp Bestival! We had such an amazing time! This was our third year attending and our first with a toddler. We missed last years due to moving house, so we were even more excited to go this time! Having been a couple of times before, it was...

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Camp Bestival 2016 Highlights

I’m still slowly working my way through the hundreds of photos I took while we were at Camp Bestival, I’d intended to come home and dive straight in, then ended up sick and now I’m miles behind in everything! So, while I’m sorting through them all for a review post, I thought I’d share our top...

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Festival season

Seeing as the summer is just around the corner, it’s almost time to start thinking about festivals already. They’re such a highlight of the year, something we look forward to over the long, cold winters. We’ve been to Camp Bestival the past two years in a row and had an amazing time each year. There...

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Camp Bestival 2014 – Review Part Two

Saturday morning we woke up to rain…. and lots of it. Baya and I managed a quick loo run just before 8am when it was still drizzling, no sooner had we got back to the tent, than it started to rain heavily. We ate cereal and did some colouring and reading, and kept our fingers...

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