Tag: baby boy


Oren Sage Malachi – Eight Week Update

Eight whole weeks of Oren! Time is flying by far too fast. It’s bittersweet watching him grow and change every day. Looking back at his newborn photos it seems both like yesterday and like forever ago. He’s changed so much in how he looks, his little face has unsquished now, and he’s slowly unfurling. He’s...

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Two years of you

Sitting on my bed, you snuggled in my arms, nursing, cuddling my hair and getting ready for some sleep {I hope}. You still fit in my lap, though now there are arms and legs everywhere. A handful of hair, poking and pulling, prodding my face. Every now and then you go still, and I can...

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Vega – 11 month update!

Errrrmm… 11 months! I’m already feeling a little {VERY} emotional at the thought of his impending birthday! He’s becoming a little more of a toddler every day and a little less of a baby. He’s so close to walking, he cruises around the house pretty well via the walls, or his funny little crawl. He...

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Vega – 9 month update

NINE MONTHS! That truly is crazy to me! I’m really kinda sad at how fast this year is going by, my baby is grwoing up far too fast and is so much closer to being a toddler than a tiny baby now. I had some cuddles with a three-day old baby this week and oh...

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Vega – 8 month update

Hello 8 months! This boy is growing far too fast.. and he’s so desperate to be up and chasing after his big sisters! He’s so close to crawling {we’ve never had a crawler yet!} but he’d much rather stand on his feet. He pulls himself up on anything he can get to now, and can...

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Vega – 7 month update

Vega is SEVEN months old today. That feels crazy even writing that! Such a cliche but I truly can’t believe how fast these seven months have gone! We’re so blessed to have the cutest little baby boy ever, we’re all totally smitten with him. When we first found out Beastie was a boy, I had...

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Vega – 20 week update

Vega turned 20 weeks old this past Sunday. He’s the happiest little chappy, loves looking around and watching all the goings on in our very busy house. He’s still sleeping great, usually asleep by 10pm, and has a night feed then sleeps till 10am ish.. his night feed varies.. sometimes 2am sometimes 6/7am. Occasionally he’ll...

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Vega – 16 week update!

16 weeks! This might be my favourite week so far! I really don’t know where the past almost 4 months have gone too… this baby is getting too big too fast people! I wish I had a slow down button. He’s still the sweetest little fella, so laid back and happy all the time. He...

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