Home educating in a pandemic

While many schoolchildren have finally gone back to school this week, many are still at home being ‘home schooled’. I’ve seen so many comments on my Social Media over the last year from parents struggling to have their children at home all the time, trying to keep up with work set, keeping them busy and...

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Not Back to School

It’s September, and we’re celebrating another year of ‘Not Back to School’. We’ve gotten back into our homeschool rhythm this week, it actually felt good to get back to some kind of routine after a fun and hectic summer. I was a little unsure about whether or not we’d still be home educating this year, at...

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Review || Mrs Wordsmith

As a home educating Mama, I am always looking for fun new ways to incorporate learning into our lives. I’m not a fan of ‘school at home’ – workbooks aren’t our cup of tea, we prefer hands on learning, and methods that are fun. When Mrs Wordsmith asked if we would like to review their vocabulary...

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A little homeschooling update

It feels like forever since I’ve written a homeschooling post on here, in fact, searching back, the last time I wrote an actual update was back in January – yikes! LIfe has been pretty full on for the first half of this year, as busy as you’d imagine with four kids at home 24/7 plus...

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