Category: ADVICE


5 ways to turn around a ‘down day’

We all have ‘those days’ – days when nothing goes right, when you are overwhelmed and overwrought, when you wake up with a serious case of the ‘mehs’. For years I’d let them control me, I’d see them as a sign that my depression/anxiety were ramping back up, I’d give in to those feelings and...

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6 ways to quell the anxiety

I know too well the awful feeling of anxiety. For years I struggled to keep it under control, endless days with my stomach a ball of knots, unable to eat or sleep or leave the house. Every single thing was magnified a thousand times under the glare of anxiety, every possibilty overthought, every single thing...

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Little ways to help yourself heal

As I talked about in my post ‘5 ways to support yourself‘, it is vital to put your support in yourself, to learn how to take care of yourself and build yourself up. Only YOU can be the savior of you. Here are 15 little ways to help yourself heal Stand in front of the...

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Loving our Postpartum Bodies

Before I became a Mama I never gave thought to what my body would look like post-partum. I guess I just presumed it would ping straight back into shape – the media aways showed us these perfect looking celebrities who had given birth and looked like they’d never even been pregnant. So when I gave...

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13 mantras to boost your self-worth

I’m the worst at negative self-talk, or rather I should say I was the worst. For most of my life the voice in my head was a very negative one, giving a constant commentary on everything that I was doing wrong. It would put me down at every opportunity. The problem with negative self-talk is...

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