5 Tips to Find Pockets of Calm this Christmas

teapot on books
Photo by Işıl on

Halfway through December, sitting surrounded by twinkling fairy lights, gifts under the tree, and festive tunes on the radio. It’s a busy month, life seems to speed up by 200%, with so many things to do, and so many places to be.

It’s easy to end up feeling overwhelmed, for stress levels to rise and tempers to be frayed.

I love Christmas, the magic and the memories made, spending time with my family, carrying on traditions and all the excitement that the month holds. Yet, I’ve also learned to find ways to bring calm into my world. To enjoy myself, but not let everything overwhelm me.

Us Mama’s are the hidden factor behind the magic of the season, and it’s important that we keep our needs on our to-do lists as we try to make everything perfect for everyone else. Here are five things you can do to find pockets of calm this month;

Let go of perfect

In an age of social media, we are bombarded with images of the ‘perfect’ Christmas and end up feeling the urge to keep up. There is no such thing as perfect, Christmas isn’t about matching PJs, perfectly wrapped gifts, colour-cordinated decorations, or endless festive days out. It’s about spending time with those you love and making memories.

Slow Down

In a month full of parties, concerts, festive activities, fairs and drinks – it can feel like you don’t have a moment to breathe. Remember you don’t have to say yes to every invite, only do those that fill your cup and you enjoy. It’s ok to schedule in some ‘down days’ – snuggle up at home, christmas movie on, baileys’ in hand, a pile of gifts to wrap and just relax.


If your mind is feeling frazzled, you’re overwrought and overwhelmed, then maybe it’s time to switch off the tech. Put the phone away, log out of social media, and take a break.

Get outside

There’s not much a bit of fresh air, daylight, and time in nature can’t fix. Whether you can get out to a forest, walk along a beach, or just take a stroll around the neighbourhood to see all the festive lights, the headspace will help diffuse any tension and lift your spirits.

Fill Your Cup

What makes you feel good? Yoga? A long, hot soak in the bath? An early night with a book? Coffee with a friend? Make sure you pencil in a few dates with yourself amidst the obligations and busyness of the month. Remember that old saying – ‘you can’t pour from an empty cup’

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