Life lessons from Gardening

May is here, and it feels like finally, finally, new life is here. Winter felt long and cold this year, and spring slow to get off the ground. In the past couple of weeks, new life has truly begun emerging, those first tiny specks of green that poked their heads through the soil are at last becoming plants.
My garden may be small, but it’s still a space to plant and grow and dream. I long for a bigger space, where I can plant a kitchen garden, have a smallholding and soak up the peace that I find with hands in the soil. For now, though, this little space is where I ground myself and reconnect with Mother Earth. A couple of raised beds for veg, a whole tonne of planters for flowers and salad and tomatoes and strawberries. A herb bed alongside the garden. It’s not the allotment I’d love but it still gives me plenty and in all honesty I don’t think I would have time for an allotment!
The salad leaves are ready for picking, and there are early strawberries growing with promises to be ready soon.
Oren loves helping me water the garden right now, as have all his siblings before him. I think it’s so important for them to grow their own veg – at least a little, so they have an understanding of where it comes from and a connection with the food we eat. For so many, food is just something we pick up off the shelf in the supermarket, faceless, nameless, connectionless.
Being out in the gardening, hands in the soil, planting seeds and growing my own veg keeps me feeling grounded and connected to the world around me. It makes me slow down when life is overwhelming, to stop and breathe and do the daily garden chores.
Five things I’ve learned from gardening….
1/ Being alone can be where the magic happens
I’m not always alone gardening, but sometimes I am.. .and it’s where I get the headspace to think, to process and to make decisions.
2/ Nothing happens without consistent work
Growing a garden needs commitment. It needs watering and weeding and tending. Every day – not just when you feel like it. It’s a good reminder that whatever you want to achieve – you need to work for.
3/ Dirt is good for the soul
Dirt is needed for your plants to grow – but it also helps your soul grow. Getting your hands dirty is a great way to unwind and relax, to ground and reconnect.
4/ A positive outlook is essential
No matter our efforts – sometimes nature stands in the way. Wind, rain, heat – they can all affect our gardnes growth – but we have to adopt a positive outlook and believe that the garden will grow.
5/ You reap what you sow
You plant a chili plant, you’re not going to get strawberries. If you’re unkind you’re not going to get a whole load of kindness – you get what you give out
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