A family travel Bucket List

snow capped mountain beside a lake

After a few years of not being able to travel {thanks pandemic} we’re now itching to be able to get away. With me driving and the boys being a little older, it’s much easier to think about travelling. There are so many beautiful places in this country that we’d like to visit.

I remember as an early teen, summer holidays with my Mum and my brother, when we’d get in the car, and explore an area of the UK, staying in B&B’s as we went. I remember it being so much fun and a great adventure and I’d like to do the same with my lot.

I love the idea of throwing our bags in the boot and heading off to explore – I’m craving long road trips right now! The girls and I were chatting on an evening drive to the beach last night to watch the sunset about where we’d like to visit. At first, all the suggestions were abroad, but I said I wanted to look at places in our country as there are so many beautiful places I haven’t visited. We finally came up with our top four places we’d love to go to

  • Ireland – ok, so technically not in the UK, but it’s so close by. I visited a long time ago when I was 18 and remember how beautiful it was. Then we began in Cork and drove around the Ring of Kerry staying in a quaint cottage. I’m thinking of a ferry to Dublin, and then a drive across to Galway, with lots of stops on the way to see the sights. From there I’ve been told to drive up to Connemara {my Brother in Law is from Ireland} as it’s such beautiful countryside. We’d probably look for a hostel in Connemara, Ireland for a night or two before heading back across country. Baya wants to do some horse riding while we’re there, and I think a trip to Kylemore Abbey is in order.
  • Glastonbury – I’ve been, both to the festival and the town, but not for a very long time. I’ve a yearning to go back again. I would love to visit Glastonbury Tor and wander around the town. We’ve decided a stop off for a night midway in Bristol on our way there and home would be great- it’s another place we’d like to visit!
  • Edinburgh – I’ve wanted to visit here since I was a child and had a penpal who lived there! Baya wants to go so we can visit the Zoo there, Kiki to shop! Again, I’d love to drive around the area and visit different places rather than staying in one spot the whole time.
  • Cornwall – somewhere the kids keep asking to go. A beach holiday sounds like bliss and Cornish beaches are beautiful. I’ve been to Perranporth as a teen, and remember sunny days on the beach leaning to body board. The kids would love it {though maybe not the drive there!!} and I love being by the sea.

Have you explored much of the UK with your kids? I’d love to hear about your favourite spots to go to or any great places to stay!

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