Living simply, simply living
Simple life and peaceful mind are very close friends!
Mehmet Murat Ildan
With my word of the year, RELEASE, in mind, I’ve been letting go of what was no longer working for me. Letting go of the busyness that had taken over our lives. We’d gotten caught up in doing all the things even though they were depleting us and leaving us feeling far from fulfilled.
I’d lost sight of what was truly important and what it was I want out of life. I’d let slip the reasons {or at least part of} I chose to home ed and let life run away with us.

I don’t want a life that is full of rushing around, constantly being on the go, filled with mindless activities and soulless connections.
What I crave, truly, is a simple life. I’m happy being at home, meeting up with friends, having a few days out and adventures. I don’t need constant excitement, time with faceless people who aren’t friends… I needed, frankly, to find a better balance.
The last few weeks we’ve cut out all that we didn’t really love. Walked away from the constant round of home ed groups – we’ll certainly be attending a couple here and there but will be much more particular as to what we do, that alone has brought peace no longer being surrounded by others drama and the ‘high-school clique-i-ness’ that is rife in the groups.
We’ve been enjoying quieter days at home, working but also crafting, baking, reading, making, just spending time together. Meeting up with friends, a few days out, time in the garden, riding bikes in the park….
Stepping back, letting go of what we could and slowing down have made a huge difference. My anxiety is settling, the constant feeling that I was trying to be someone I wasn’t, the stress of constantly being on the go.
I’ve also taken a big step away from Social Media. Realising just how bad it is for my mental health, the comparisons, the anxiety it cause, the huge effect it has on my mood. I’ve drastically cut back how much time I spend on Facebook and Instagram, but also have been curating my feed. Unfollowing or muting accounts that are no longer relevant, that make me feel bad, that don’t lift me up or fill me with joy. Being more mindful of what I am consuming.
A simple life is a good life, being happy where I am with what we have.
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