Celebrating Imbolc with kids

Imbolc is a celebration of the natural world reawakening, as well as a time of cleansing. We honor the goddess Brigid at this time of year. On our walks, we’re beginning to see hints of new life poking thru the soil and buds tightening on trees.

Imbolc is a time for bringing new ideas and projects into the light, for giving life to what we have been reflecting on over the winter months.

Here are five things we like to do to mark the day:

Make a Brigid’s Cross – We like to make these each year, and hang them over a doorway, bringing protection all year. We’ll usually burn the precious years one on our fire. Traditionally they’d be made with reeds, but you can use straw or even pipe cleaners for kids too! This video is a great tutorial if you’ve not made them before.

Light a Candle – we light candles in every room to welcome back the light. You could also make your own candles – my kiddos have always loved making little walnut shell candles

Plant your wishes – as the world is coming back to life, we like to plant our wishes and watch them grow alongside nature. Write your wishes on a strip of paper, holding them in your hands and visualising them coming true. Then pop them in a plant pot with some soil and a bulb, nurture the plant, and see your wish grow alongside it.

Visit the river – Imbolc was traditionally a time to visit holy water, and the river is my church. I like to pay a visit to my favourite spot on Imbolc, splashing a little water over me {or paddling if I can brave the cold}

Spring Clean – cleaning out the old to make way for new energy. This is a good time to spring clean. Get rid of the clutter, wipe down the sides and throw open the windows to welcome in the refreshing air.

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