Treat yourself this Valentines Day
Hands up if you’ve noticed it’s Valentines Day this week?! It would be hard to miss it, everywhere you look, there are hearts and flowers, cards with cringe-worthy puns on them and a million and one images of happy couples. When you are single, Valentines Day can make you want to crawl under your duvet and hide, being surrounded by tales of love and ‘date night’ ideas can leave you feeling a little, lonely.
While I was never a huge fan of Valentine’s – I’m not one for commercial holidays, there is nothing wrong with co-opting the day as a day to give to treat yourself, and show a little self-love. The last couple of years while I’ve been single, I’ve usually tried to plan a little something special for Valentines to put a smile on my face. I use it as a chance to practice a little TLC and indulge in some serious self-care.
I also love taking the chance to shower a little love on my kiddos, AND show them that it’s good to love yourself.
* Treat yourself to a fancy breakfast ~ start the day with an extra delicious breakfast. If you have time, why not take it back to bed?! A glass of juice, fresh coffee {decaf for me please and thankyou}, a little fruit salad, some croissants and jam, and oh boy! I’m a happy Mama in the morning!
* Spend the day with loved ones ~ just because you don’t have a significant other, doesn’t mean you should spend it alone. Be it, family or friends, arrange to see those you love. I’ll be with my kiddos and spending part of the day with friends,
* Buy your own flowers ~ I never waited for a man to buy me flowers – whenever I’m feeling down, a bunch of fresh flowers always put a smile on my face. pick yourself a bouquet of fresh blooms {just avoid the cliched red roses!}
* Have a pamper session ~ whether it’s a DIY session at home, or at a beauty salon, there’s nothing like a bit of TLC to make you feel good. I love to get a good massage or a facial if I can, if you’ve been feeling lonely and in need of some connection, these can be a great way of feeling the benefits of human touch,
* Have a date night for one ~ who says you have to have a partner to have a date night?! be your own valentines and plan a fun night in. Put on some silky PJ’s, pick up a delicious easy to cook meal, light some candles, pop on a cheesy movie {The Holiday is my usual go-to} and have a fun evening.
* Curl up with a magazineReadly ~ for me, the perfect end to an evening is curled up in bed, catching up with a magazine or two. These days, in an effort to reduce how much paper we bring into the house, I like to read my magazines on . I LOVE having so many magazines to choose from {650 UK ones} and at only £7.99 a month for all the magazines you want to read it’s a bargain! Also – if you are looking for a gift for someone this Valentines, then this would be a pretty perfect one!
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