Happy #9

life, lately a

Um, can someone kindly tell me where the start of April went?! It’s gone in the blink of an eye, and I’ve just realised spring is here yet it’ll soon be summer at this rate! I’m enjoying all the blossom and sunshine spring ahs brought with it. My garden has literally sprung to life and it’s made me so happy! Nothing like some colour after a grey winter to put a spring in your step.

I took a trip to London on Friday for a work thing, first time I’ve been in almost two years! I took the boy with me, met up with a few friends and had some yummy Cuban food for lunch. It was a long day and I’m aching like crazy after carrying him in the sling all day long. He’s pretty big for his age, and he weighs a lot – muy back, arms and hips are certainly paying for it! Think next time I’ll have to manage the pushchair instead! Still, he was a start – he was so good on all the trains, even on the way home when he was tired. He was super cute – waving and saying ‘bye’ to every single train! I questioned whether to go, especially for such a flying visit, but after posting about saying yes to more adventures. I decided it’s good to step out of my comfort zone. I’m pretty shy, and working from home it’s easy to work without having to meet anyone IRL – but it was great to put faces to online photos and I’ll def be doing more trips like this {if I get invited anyway!} .

life lately b

The winter and lack of sleep have left my poor skin suffering, I’ve recently been trying out this ‘All you need is me’ from True Organics of Sweden and I’m amazed at just how good it is! An organic, all natural, intensive cream, I’ve been using it on my lips, on a couple of small patches of eczema and some dry skin on my cheek – and can honestly say it’s the best thing I’ve tried.

Seems every week this boy learns something new – it so amazing to watch. He’s certainly not daft – he knows and understands so much, chatters away and says quite a bit. His ‘oh no ‘ and ‘all gone’ have evolved into ‘where is it’ and ‘where has it gone’ – said with so much expression I can’t help but giggle. He loves to sing songs – he’ll sing along to Peppa Pig {or bebba big as he says], the Furchester Hotel song, Heads, Shoulders Knees and Toes and the song we sing at Rainbows! He loves to walk and will happily walk a long way – often all around the supermarket and all the way home – it does mean my basket often ends up full of all sorts of things that he decides look yummy as we’re shopping!

I’ve been ‘treating’ myself to some long, Lush filled baths lately – trying to make a point of not working in an evening and instead having a soak with a glass of prosecco and a good book – we all need some ‘me time’ don’t’ we?!

life lately c

I’ve also been making a point of slowing down and just enjoying the moment. It’s all too easy to get swept along in our endless to-do lists and forget to just live in the moment. I’ve been putting down the phone, camera or laptop more and joining my kiddos in whatever they may be doing.

Bathtime with these two is one of my favourite times of the day. Beastie loves sharing a bath with Baya {and playing with her My Little Pony toys} – though I often end up very wet!

Last Tuesday was ‘Free Ice-Cream day’ – oh yes – thanks to Mr Ben and Mr Jerry – their annual free ice-cream day is one of the highlights of our year! I had a scoop of Cinnamon Buns {why have I not had that before?!}.

What has made you happy this week?

I was sent the ‘All You Need is Me’ cream free of charge – but all thoughts and opinions are my own.


  1. Adele at Beautiful Tribe

    April 18, 2016 at 12:49

    This post is such a reminder to tune into the little things. Thanks for that, Polly. I too want to spend more time joining my kids and living in the present, rather than getting too distracted by what has to get done. Glad you had a good time in London. x

  2. Alison

    April 18, 2016 at 13:04

    Ahh it was SO SO lovely to meet you in London – and Beastie is brilliant! xx

  3. Sarah

    April 18, 2016 at 14:43

    You have a lovely warm style of writing, Polly, and take beautiful photos. Great blog!

  4. Slummy single mummy

    April 19, 2016 at 16:13

    I’m sure I didn’t help with the back ache by taking you on a random walk in the rain ;-)

  5. Fritha

    April 19, 2016 at 20:36

    I love to be reminded of the little things in life and whats important to me (and to my kiddos!) Wilf would definitely rate MLP as one of his happy items! x

  6. Laura

    April 20, 2016 at 22:45

    Really loved reading this happy list Polly and I know where has April gone, or in fact the whole year? It was lovely seeing you last week by the way and your little man :) Hopefully saying yes to more adventures will mean we will get to see more of each other at various events

    Laura x

  7. Kathryn

    April 21, 2016 at 10:04

    How did I miss free ice cream day!???? Glad you met up with the girls – it will have done you and Beastie good to get a change of scene xx

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