A wishlist for the house

A wishlist for the house

bed // sofa // wardrobe // trolley / shelves // rug // curtains // crockery

We’re in full on moving house mode over here… so excited for a fresh start and this new chapter for our little family. We had a quick look around our new house again last week, while there is still lots to be done, it’s starting to come together. There is so much space, and so much more light than our current house. It’s a perfect space for our family, I’ve been mentally decorating and floor planning, working out where things will go and what we need.

I’m pretty certain these are the sofa’s we’re going for, our old ones will go in the playroom/back room and we’ll buy two new ones for the main living room. The girls are most excited as these have recliners!

I’m in need of new wardrobes for the master bed, as well as a new bed base {enough of our ancient divan!} I also want/need several pairs of new curtain – I’m loving these light and colourful ones – perhaps for the living room?!

I’m planning on buying some new storage for the playroom too, this shelving unit will be perfect, Papa is going to fix two together so I can have some things out of Vega’s reach. And the kitchen trolley will house our craft stuff, so I can move it between the playroom and kitchen easily {and also move it away from the baby!}.

A new rug or two may have found it’s way onto my wishlist… this little IKEA one is perfect for Lola’s room… and I’m tempted by some new crockery too!

Nothing beats having a new house to shop for


  1. Nichole Goodland

    April 28, 2015 at 08:58

    The trolley was something I was looking at for my house as well. So many options in where it could go. :-) x

  2. Eleanor (The Bristol Parent)

    April 28, 2015 at 16:11

    I’m not a recliner person (I like a nice pouffe for my feet!) but I really like that one! How exciting getting all this new kit, moving house will be ace!

  3. Fritha

    April 29, 2015 at 12:35

    we love that trolley we have it for Wilf’s craft stuff! x

  4. abigail

    April 30, 2015 at 20:19

    Those trolleys are so useful, we’ve currently got one in our bathroom but I can already think of a million uses for it! Can’t wait to see more updates of the house!

  5. Kathryn

    May 1, 2015 at 17:58

    I love that turquoise trolley so much and the curtains – good old Ikea!

  6. katie albury

    May 6, 2015 at 09:06

    It’s so exciting having a new place or space to decorate…we’ve finally cleared out our spare room to start preparing for the baby and I can’t wait to start adding cute decor bits, a rug and frames xx

  7. New Home, New Wish List - Starting With The Bathroom! - Enchanted Pixie

    August 14, 2015 at 09:55

    […] home, and enjoying every minute of it. We’ve worked hard at getting things ready – see our old wish list for details – and are already feeling at home. However, once you move into a new place, the […]

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