Letting go of perfect
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I’m sure I’m not the only one guilty of it.
Expecting too much of ourselves.
As Mama’s we wear so many hats, have so many things to do, so many people we try to please, so many roles to juggle every single day.
We expect ourselves to be perfect 100% of the time.
An unrealistic expectation, that simply brings us more stress that we really don’t need.
The past four months have been busy to say the least. I kidded myself that one more person in the house wouldn’t make that much of a difference.
And in a way it hasn’t… Vega has slotted into our family as if he’s always been here. Yet at the same time, I have more demands on my time. Another person to care for, whilst trying to do everything I’ve been doing before he arrived.
I’ve been trying to keep every ball up in the air, refusing to give in and admit that I need to slow down and let the unimportant go.
Trying to be perfect in every aspect.
Trying to be the perfect Mama.
The perfect Wife.
Keep a perfect house
Be perfect at work…
In doing so, I’ve stressed myself out. Made myself feel bad for not doing it all.
Finally, I’ve realised that it’s ok to not be perfect. It’s ok to not do it all, all by myself.
It’s OK to say no, to leave the dishes, or not hoover the floor, or not blog every day, or reply to emails as soon as they ping into my inbox.
I can’t do it all.
In truth, all that matters is that my kiddos are fed, clean and loved. Hugs and kisses cannot wait, dirty dishes can.
Add to my crazy life having to pack up six people’s belongings, and six years of our lives in this house, and something has to give.
So I’m slowing down, taking a step back, and just letting go of perfect.
The world can wait, I’m taking care of me right now.
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April 29, 2015 at 12:06You are absolutely right. As mums we need to be kind to ourselves for the sake of our baba’s. Take it easy Mama! X
April 29, 2015 at 12:08Stupid phone! That should be Terrie!! X
April 30, 2015 at 19:32You’re right to step back. I have periods where I need to slow down too, because otherwise I feel like something will snap – my sanity mostly! Enjoy the time and space to concentrate on the important things. The world will keep spinning and everything will still be there when you’re ready to pick up more of those juggling balls again. x
May 1, 2015 at 10:05So true. A lesson for us all xxx
Gina Caro
May 1, 2016 at 21:05I can totally relate to this post! We are currently in the midst of trying to simplify our lives in a hope that we can start enjoying life more. Lovely post :)