Tag: pregnancy


Slowing Down

I’ve been fighting a battle with myself the last couple of weeks, getting annoyed that I can’t physically keep up the pace, and also that mentally I just haven’t got the motivation or the will to keep on going. I’m tired. I’m 36 weeks pregnant, a single Mum of four, with a house to run...

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Dear Bean – Week Nineteen

Dear Bean Another week ticked off, another week closer to meeting you. People keep asking if I have an idea of whether you’re a boy or girl, and really I don’t! I don’t mind either way – though your sisters and brother cannot wait to find out! I think I’m holding on until I know,...

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Dear Bean – Weeks 16 & 17

  Dear Bean I missed last weeks update in the midst of Christmas/New Year chaos, but I did manage to take a bump photo still. The kiddos and I have been brainstorming names, they are still in disagreement as to what they want you to be. But whoever you are, there are five people here very...

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Dear Bean – Week Fifteen

Dear Bean Only five weeks until I get to see you again! And hopefully, find out if you’re a boy or girl ♥ I’ve been feeling much better the past week. No sickness, not so tired, and a lot less hormonal. I’ve felt a few little flutters this week too, nothing beats feeling those first movements,...

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Oh baby!

It’s probably not gone un-noticed that things have been a little quiet around here for the past couple of months… well I have a very good excuse for why I’ve barely been around…. I’m busy cooking baby number five! I found out super early, at about 4 weeks, so it feels like I’ve been pregnant...

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What to Expect When You’re Expecting

The moment you find out you are pregnant, it seems as if there are a million things to learn before your baby’s arrival. Not only do you have support another life for nine months, but also navigate the world of prenatal changes. If scanning through baby-themed blogs is any indicator, there is an overwhelming amount...

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Multi-Mam Review

I mentioned before that Multi-Mam Balm was one of my breastfeeding essentials in the first few weeks after Vega was born. I credit it with preventing me getting sore or chapped nipples at all this time around. The balm is totally safe for your baby, meaning it doesn’t need to be wiped off before you...

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