Category: BLOG


It’s beginning to look at lot like Christmas

As soon as Halloween has been and gone, my kiddos really start to get excited for Christmas. The countdown is on to our tree arriving, getting to decorate and start opening advent calendars! We usually decorate our tree on the 1st – getting December started in a festive way! This year we had to do...

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Monday Musings

I’m feeling happy and content this morning. Even as I sit here, trying to write and the boys are running around and shouting. I’m a little sleepy, I’ve an hour or so of work ahead of me to get through before we can begin the rest of the day, and a busy week ahead –...

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mum guilt, motherhood, single parenting, enchanted pixie, polly jemima, time out, self care


Mum Guilt – let’s talk about it

I was sat with friends the other day, chatting about this and that and everything in between. We ended up talking about taking time out/off/for ourselves, and how everyone has this huge mum guilt when they do somethign that is solely for them. It got me thinking about how Mum guilt and how it shaped...

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Tips for Brand New Free Stuff Fans

The entire planet is obsessed with freebies. Whether it’s asking your favourite restaurants for free lifetime supplies of their best dish or joining a queue that reaches the thousands just to get ourselves a free doughnut, there is no stopping the thirst for something free. However, when you are getting started with getting into freebies,...

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toddler and teenager walking on the beach


Three Good Things

Monday Monday. I’m feeling refreshed after a lovely, relaxing weekend. Three of hte kiddos were away with their Dad, so it was quieter here. Saturday Oren and I just pottered around the house and garden, hot tubbing, eating outside, catching up on chores and enjoying the sunshine. Then yesterday – BEACH! I was so excited,...

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photo of bath salts


Knowing when to rest

My to-do list is usually a mile long, and it’s seemingly impossible to find the end. There was a time when I’d work and work, never stopping. I realise now that part of that was my anxiety – keeping busy left no space in my mind for it to take hold. Now, though, I find...

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white grey and red wooden house


6 things to consider for first time buyers

I’ve rented houses my entire adult life. I’ve never been in a position to purchase a house before, and while we’re lucky enough to live in a gorgeous rented house with fantastic landlords, it’s still not mine. Renting obviously has some benefits {such as not being financially responsible for repairs}, yet there’s also the knowledge...

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