A summer Bucket List for 2024

With June looming on the horizon, and our first festival this coming week, we’ve started thinking about summer. The weather here has been a little rubbish the last few days but we’re holding out for a warm and sunny summer.

I love summer time, and always try to fill it with lots of fun for the kiddos. Many of these are free or very cheap ideas – otherwise it can get very costly. We’ve a few trips away planned, but hope to get lots of days out too – at the beach, the river, the lakes. We’re lucky here in North Wales to have some beautiful countryside close by – and I’d love to explore some places we haven’t been yet this summer.

We’ve made ourselves a bucket list with the main things we want to do this summer – I’d love to know what’s on your list this year!

  • Go rockpooling
  • Learn something new
  • Have a beach day
  • Build a fort in the garden
  • Make ice-cream
  • Go camping
  • Pick-your-own
  • Build a fairy garden
  • Go fossil hunting
  • Learn something new
  • Have a BBQ
  • Visit a new place
  • Paddleboard
  • Join in the library summer reading challenge
  • Run through sprinklers
  • Make s’mores
  • Swim in the river
  • Have a water fight
  • Fly a kite
  • Visit a waterfall

Here is our printable bucket list, and a blank for you to create your own! Just click to download.

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