The Happy List #4

It’s a Friday that doesn’t feel like a Friday – a Bank Holiday has thrown me off! I’m sat listening to the rain pouring down, thankful I grabbed my laundry just in time and chuckling at the chickens hiding under the trampoline.

We’ve been enjoying the {mosty} better weather and longer nights, getting in much more time outdoors. It’s been another busy week {when aren’t they?!} and life is for the most part feeling good.

Here’s my happy list this week

1/Painting time – I’ve been making more of an effort to make the time for me to create. To get my paints out and let myself explore. I love painting and I can feel the difference when I don’t make it a priority .

2/Mooi – I took the boys out last night for the first night of Focus to catch the wonderful Mooi playing in St Giles Church. Always such a beautiful venue and the music is just perfect. Mooi were actually the first gig we went to when new first moved to Wrexham 19 years ago!

3/Daisy Jones and the Six – I rarely watch TV {unless I’m watching something with one of the kids} but finally got chance to watch Daisy Jones and the Six – and so glad I did. I loved it! Had me yearning to dig out my flares and finally learn the guitar.

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