Month: January 2022


Finding blind faith

As a girl, I knew that anything I did, I’d do well. I’m not trying to boast or blow my own trumpet, but I was always bright, I always got good results, things always went well. Somewhere along the way things changed. I lost belief in myself and I dropped out of my A-level course...

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Working through anxiety

I’ve spoken lots in the past about my anxiety, how crippling it was and how hard I worked to overcome it. Looking back, it was there for pretty much all of my adult life, even though at the time I didn’t realise. Thankfully, for the last couple of years, it’s been pretty non-existent. So when...

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Keeping my cool when things go wrong

I’ve had small, ongoing blog issues for the last month or so. These rapidly escalated last week from annoying to my blog being entirely broken. Thankfully my hosting support were excellent, but there were a few days when I was unsure if it was all gone for good. A few years ago I had a...

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Welcoming in 2022 and my guiding word

Happy New Year! I’m feeling so grateful to be welcoming in another New Year. Over the chaos of our Yule time celebrations, I managed to carve out a little time for myself to say goodbye to 2021, and to set some intentions for the coming year. Last year, personally, was a good one. There were...

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