Mothers Day Love

Yesterday was Mothers Day. It was the first time I’ve spent it with my Mama in about twenty years. It’s been almost three months since she moved over here to Wales, and the joy of having her close enough to visit for a cup of tea is still immense.

Without those 150 miles between us, we can catch up on a regular basis. Not just for special occasions, but when we’re just in need of company, or a different four walls to look at, or a chat. She has my littlest two a morning a week so I can start carving out some work time again.

Back to yesterday.

I woke up early, read a little while Oren dozed and boobed. Listened to the bird song and felt the warmth of the sun shining through the curtains.

Occasionally I could hear movement in the rest of the house. When Oren woke up, we sent a message on the family WhatsApp so the girls knew I was awake. Five minutes later my room was full of kiddos. Oren was very excited and wanted everyone to get into our bed! He’s usually up well before the girls, so it was a novelty FOR HIM.

When we got up and went through to the kitchen, there were flowers on the table, a plate of freshly baked pastries, and a pile of gifts. The boys had both made little gifts with my Mum, the girls picked me a few things they thought I would love. I also had a gift from the Mothers Day swap in my Punky Facebook group.

It’s not about the gifts really, it’s always nice to receive them, but more about time with my kids, the knowledge they’ve made an effort to make me feel special and loved, that they kept telling me off when I started clearing the table haha!

A morning dog walk, followed by a documentary on Disney + about Monkeys, snuggled on the sofa with everyone. My Mama came in time for lunch, then we played and chatted the afternoon away before ordering an Indian Takeaway {I had planned to cook us a roast dinner, but our oven broke last week!}.

A simple day, not big and flashy but just perfect. Time with family is worth more than anything. A Sunday with all my kiddos and my Mama. Hugs, chats, laughter, memories, and lots of good food. What more could a Mama wish for?

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