Dear Bean – Welcome Earthside!

And then he was here ♥

Oren Sage Malachi Davies was born on Thursday 20th June, at 12.21am after four hours of labour. He weighed 9lb 3 oz {not quite beating Beastie’s 9lb 6oz}.

We’re all more than a little smitten. His big sisters and brother are all loving helping out and giving him lots of cuddles.

I’m busy soaking up these newborn days, as I know how fleeting they are. I’ll be posting regular updates, and will be back with his birth story soon. For now, I’m enjoying sofa snuggles, with a feeding baby.


  1. acornishmum

    June 25, 2019 at 13:52

    Oh he is absolutely beautiful, congratulations! And what a lovely name too!

  2. gkgirl

    June 29, 2019 at 03:28

    awwwwww!! Congratulations!!! He is totally absolutely adorable! :)

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