The magic of Bonfire Night, fireworks and peppermint creams


As much as I am a warm weather kinda gal, this time of year is so full of magic, memories, and traditions that I can almost overlook the weather. Autumn always feels like  a time of new beginnings to me, a time for starting afresh and making plans. The cool, crisp autumn air holds so many promises of the fun to come. This season has some seriously special celebrations… Halloween and Bonfire Night, with the delight of Christmas not too far away.

I love celebrating holidays and special occasions throughout the year now I have a family of my own. I can still remember the excitement of them as a kid, how much I looked forward to the occasions and how I loved helping in all the preparations.

When I was little and still lived with my Daddy, we lived in a little village where I could roam free, ride my bike all day with my friends, head down to the woods for a whole day, build dens and climb trees. There were two huge fields behind our house, that were left over from when my Grandparents had a farm. Through the summer there were usually full of cows grazing {though there was one amazing summer we had horses in there instead – i was in heaven!}. By the time Autumn came, the cows had gone and the fields were ours again. There was an old pond hollow in one field, which we’d fill throughout the year with fallen branches, hedge offcuts and any waste wood – building a huge bonfire.

Bonfire night was always a big affair. We’d have this huge bonfire that we’d been building all year long, all of our family would come, there’d be days of food preparations for a giant barbeque and as the night drew closer you could feel the excitement in the air. I remember having a Mr Men cook book, and making peppermint creams all by myself ready to share.

When the night itself would arrive, we’d dress in twenty layers to fight off the cold, hats and gloves and two pairs of socks. My dad would light the bonfire, the BBQ would be lit and people would start to arrive. There’d be cousins to play with, sparklers to light our way and plenty of food to warm our bellies. The field would be full of ‘ooohs’ and ‘aaahhs’ as the fireworks lit up the night sky. Half the thrill, I’m sure, was being able to stay up long past bedtime. And then the next day, we’d go hunting for the empty firework shells – always hoping we’d be the one to find the most.

I’d love to recreate those bonfire nights for my kiddos, and one day maybe I’ll have a garden big enough to have a bonfire! For now, we either attend a local display with friends or sometimes my brother has a bonfire at his house, back in the village where I grew up. I don’t always manage to get back, but when I do, it’s a bit like stepping back in time. Meeting up with family I don’t see often these days, sharing food {I even made my peppermint creams the last time I went}, helping my kiddos hold their sparklers. I usually buy fireworks online {and have them delivered straight to my brother’s house – the thought of taking them on the train makes me nervous!} – we love a big firework display! And the smell of a cool autumn night, with the air thick with fireworks, always makes me feel nostalgic.



  1. Slummy single mummy

    October 21, 2016 at 19:25

    A really lovely post, and peppermint creams are one of my very favourite things, so now you’ve got me craving them!

  2. Candy Pop

    October 21, 2016 at 21:07

    Gorgeous post, Polly. I absolutely adore the photograph. I hope you have a lovely weekend. xx

  3. Lori

    October 22, 2016 at 09:42

    Just lovely! I love bonfire night and seeing F’s little face light up at the bright lights, sparklers and toasted marshmallows. Feeling excited now x

  4. Alice

    October 24, 2016 at 11:17

    I’m REALLY not a winter girl, and I think bonfire night is kind of the last outdoor celebration I enjoy before the long dark winter is upon us! I love it. And I love Peppermint Creams, too!!

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