A little sea air

The view from Bangor Pier

Happy Friday! We’re all a little sleepy headed here still, after a busy couple of days and some late night travelling. G’s Taid {his Grandad} wasn’t very well, so we had to dash over to take care of him on Wednesday as there was no-one else who could get there, and we did’t like to leave him by himself. It’s only an hour and a half by train, so not too far to go. We spent Wednesday evening, night and all of Thursday there, waiting until G’s sister could come and take over from us! The girls always have fun with their great-Taid {despite all of his teasing!!}, it was nice to spend some time with him too.

We snuck in a quick trip to the Pier on Thursday afternoon, sea air, a little shell hunting, a play in the park and tea and scones in the pier cafe :) We ended up not leaving his until 9pm last night, they’d switched our final train to a bus, so by the time we got in the house it was gone 11pm. Baya slept most of the train ride home, but we were all shattered by the time we walked in the house.

The big girls are still in bed as I type, catching up a little! We have a home ed group on today, and then Lola has a birthday party this evening {and I have a big pile of emails and orders to catch up on!} The kiddos have groups all day tomorrow, and then G’s sister is coming to stay here on her way home, bringing her baby and her dog, so it’ll be a fun weekend too!

What do you have planned for the weekend?

1 Comment

  1. Kahler

    November 16, 2013 at 20:38

    Well it’s Sunday here today and me and the kids are off to watch my sister ride her horse in a horse show :)have a great weekend!

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