
This week’s Mamaheart comes from Kayly


‘What does motherhood mean to you?’
Being fully responsible for a precious little life through every joyful time, and every heartbreaking time – it is pure unconditional love.

‘How has motherhood changed you?’
How hasn’t it?! There isn’t a single aspect of life motherhood hasn’t touched. The biggest change for me has been emotional – I feel like my emotions are more pure now. Love of course, as the love for my child goes deeper than anything I’ve ever known, but even fear as well. I have never felt deeper fear than thinking that something could happen to my daughter.

‘What is the hardest part of being a mama?’
Learning a balance between being a mom, but still being yourself.

‘What is the biggest joy that your children have given you?’
Watching her learn/see/discover things for the first time. And confidence in myself learning that I can rise to the challenge of motherhood.

‘What one piece of advice would you give a first time mama?’
Be patient with yourself – don’t expect to be a ‘perfect’ mother, keep a ‘perfect’ household, or raise a ‘perfect’ child. Be open to anything – and learn to love messy projects, they’re usually the most fun!

Find Kayly here: Blog // Facebook art page

1 Comment

  1. Mamaheart | An Open Sketchbook

    October 22, 2013 at 13:15

    […] popping in to say I’m over at This Enchanted Pixie as a part of her Mamaheart series. It’s a great little series, asking a few questions about […]

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