Monday Monday

Miss Baya proudly modelling her new bunny hat! I knitted it for her last week, it was so quick to make, only a couple evenings work. She looks such a cutie, no? Autumn wasted no time arriving here, it’s crisp and cold already. Makes me feel like cosy-ing up on the sofa, fire on, knitting in hand! I’m making hats for us all, ready for when it gets really cold.

The girls and I are full of our first cold this weekend, I’m still pretty stuffed up today. Head cold’s suck. We’ll be taking it pretty easy today, hoping for a day trip to Chester tomorrow. I feel some autumn shopping coming on!

What did you get up to over the weekend?

1 Comment

  1. Jacqui

    September 17, 2013 at 12:24

    Ooh that is lovely!
    Very cute

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