guestpost// the bradleys {+a giveaway}

i’m happy to introduce you to one of my fantastic feature sponsors today: The Bradleys
We’ve been living in rural Scotland for several months now. After moving from a somewhat bustling and warm island to the cold yet stunning Highlands, we are readjusting to the quiet and calm that the countryside is synonymous with.


Although I’m not sure how long we will be here, I’m cherishing the beautiful house we are living in, which has a sort of nautical interior design. I’m feeling for the first time like a homemaker, spending more and more time in the kitchen ( where my husband frequently is). At the same time we are going through a wee bit of culture shock, missing the chaotic and usually unappealing aspects of living in the city: the noise, the plethora or restaurants and cafes….of things to do.

Reading Radical Homemakers we are becoming more and more aware of the fact that no matter where we live, we can make more, grow more, and give more and be more self reliant and involved with our local economy. I don’t think becoming say a farmer is right for everyone, but all of us can learn to be better, more involved and inspired homemakers, and growing some foods ( such as herbs) can be incredibly rewarding for all family members. It’s also an adventure for many of us who have become disconnected from what we eat, from our neighbors and local community, as well as from the planet.

You can visit The Bradleys blog here

a Rafflecopter giveaway


  1. Samantha Tedesco

    February 19, 2013 at 15:57

    I’d pick a skirt!
    [email protected]

  2. Manda Rave

    February 19, 2013 at 17:08

    That voucher would probably go straight to some spring clothes, maybe a fun dress :)

  3. Keri-Anne

    February 19, 2013 at 18:50

    Oh what a wonderful giveaway. I would put mine towards a new dress x

  4. Erika

    February 21, 2013 at 03:54

    I’d pick a new handbag or skirt! Thanks!

  5. bec

    February 21, 2013 at 09:43

    Aww lovely family, looking forward to following their adventures. and shawweet giveaway x

    1. bec

      February 21, 2013 at 09:45

      Oooh id also maybe use the voucher for something from their home section , they have so many pretty things!

  6. Em @ Tea Tree

    February 24, 2013 at 18:50

    I would definitely be using the gift card for some cool new stuff for my house! I love UO home decor :]

  7. Shani

    February 25, 2013 at 23:31

    I’m not sure yet honestly:)

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