recipe for a friday night

take one park;
a little sun;
some friends;
& a band…..

we spent our friday evening in our local park, with friends listening to a band. it was first band we’ve made this year as it’s been raining so much. the kiddos had a blast racing around on their scooters and we enjoyed the music and the company. it was a much needed fun evening.
on a different note, i’m on day two of no caffeine. my sleeping patterns have gotten worse lately, and i’ve had another bout of insomnia. while i don’t drink a huge amount of coffee, i drink it pretty strong, and i drink a lot of tea…. yesterday morning i decided that i’d try cutting it out altogether and see if it makes a difference. yesterday was easy…. today i’m tired and have a slight headache. i’d kill for a coffee right about now! gotta rid it out for a week or two though…. need to find a alternative to wake me up in the morning. any ideas?


  1. a soulful life

    July 21, 2012 at 17:11

    What great pics! Looks like a really fun evening:)

  2. Krysten @ Why Girls Are Weird

    July 21, 2012 at 19:28

    Looks like a perfect night!

  3. Brooke Arellano

    July 22, 2012 at 01:59

    That looks like an awesome Friday night!! I’m stopping by from the GFC Blog Hop and am now a new follower:) Would love for you to stop by Crazy Mama Drama!

  4. Katherine / Of Corgis and Cocktails

    July 24, 2012 at 01:42

    this does look perfect! i can’t wait to have kids and go to the park with them – i remember what a magical experience being at the park was when i was younger. lovely. and i love that ring you are wearing!

    <3 katherine
    crave jewelry necklace giveaway // of corgis & cocktails

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