Tag: single and pregnant


Dear Bean – Week Forty

Dear Bean Full term! Now it’s time for you to come out please. All is good, though I’ve not been sleeping well as I’m so uncomfortable in bed now. I’m so tired, so achy and just ready to have a baby in my arms rather than my belly! Other than that, I’m feeling OK really....

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Dear Bean – Week Thirty Nine

Dear Bean We are so close to meeting you. I cannot wait, for know the moment I hold you in my arms, my anxiety and fear and worry will melt away. My hormones are all over right now, I am crazily tired and walking feels like he’s about to fall out any minute! I’ve been...

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Dear Bean – Week Thirty Eight

Dear Bean With only two weeks until you are officially due to arrive earthside, I’m getting more and more impatient. I promised myself I wouldn’t’ this time, but it’s hard not to. So close, yet these last few weeks feel like they drag on forever. I am so tired. SO achy. So ready to not...

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Single and Pregnant

Being single and pregnant was never something that I saw coming, yet when it did, it was because I knew it was for the best. Having been a single parent for the past two, raising my four kiddos alone after my marriage broke down, I was under no illusion about the reality of single parenting....

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Dear Bean – Week Thirty Seven

Holy Moly! Thirty Seven Weeks!!! I can not believe we’re almost at the finishing line already. in some ways, it feels like forever since I announced this baby was on his way, and even longer since I first saw those two lines on a stick. Yet here we are, 37 weeks… the midwives are on...

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Dear Bean – Week Thirty Six

Dear Bean It’s been a looong week. I am more tired than I ever thought possible and getting achier and achier by the day. I am SO ready to not be pregnant now! My midwife came last Friday for my home visit. I’m lucky that she’s super lovely and supportive of home births. They’ll be...

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Dear Bean – Week Thirty Five

Dear Bean Not too much to report this week. I’ve had lots of Braxton Hicks, Bean is sitting really low – which is good I guess, but mighty uncomfortable! I’ve had a bit of lower back ache too, but still sleeping fine {other than having to wake to go pee}. I’m super slow at walking...

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