Tag: homeschool activity


15 fantastic crafts to keep your kids busy this summer!

Even though my kids don’t go to school, we still usually take the summer ‘off’ – we’re generally busy with holidays, catching up with friends, summer activities and {hoepfully} enjoying the sunshine! I still like to have some fun activities planned, to fill those days we spend at home with nothing particular to do {they...

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Summer Reading Challenge

We’re a family of book lovers. G and I have always loved to read, and I’m so glad we’ve passed that love on to our kiddos. People who visit our home often comment on how many books we have {and that’s after a huge cull last year!}. I can remember once, when one of the...

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Review | Play The Forest School Way

Forest Schools have become more and more popular recently, with many parents worried about reports of obesity, the effects too much screen time on their children, and ‘nature deficit disorder’. Forest School brings so many benefits to our children, including playing in nature, learning through experience, free play and managing risk. I know firsthand just...

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25 Rainy Day Activities

Living in Wales we’re used to lots of rainy days. While sometimes we don’t have a choice but to go out and about, and some days we don’t mind going out in the rain, there are plenty of days when we want to stay home and keep dry. If you have got toddlers or pre-schoolers...

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4 fantastic alphabet activities

Here are four fun ideas to help your child learn the alphabet. These work with toddlers but also for older children who need some extra practice or if they are beginning to read. Baya asked to make an alphabet poster last year, at 6 she certainly knew all her letters but had fun doing it...

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Favourite Educational Apps

While I don’t like the girls having too much screen time, there are certainly benefits to modern technology. We have an android tablet, that has proved very useful – movies and games when we’re away from home travelling, books {far easier than carrying a bag full of books everywhere we go!!} and educational apps. Before...

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