Tag: arts & crafts


Fun Autumn Crafts for Kids

Autumn has fully arrived, and with the girls all back to Uni/College it’s just me and the boys at home most days. We’re finding a new home educating groove, changing things up to do what suits the boys best. We try and have a couple of days at home each week, so they can do...

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Valentine Crafts for kids

With Valentines Day just around the corner, I’ve been finding out a few fun, themed crafts that I thought the girls might like to make. Baya especially always loves all the pink cutesie love themed crafts!! These past couple of weeks have been so cold and windy that we’ve been home lots and in need...

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Festive Snow Jars

We’re hoping for a White Christmas this year… last year was a little disappointing on the snow front, and the big kiddos are desperate to be able to go sledging! I remember loving playing in the snow when I was little, my big brother pulling me around the field on the sledge and building snowmen....

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Kids Craft Essentials

I’m always grateful that my three girlies love crafting as much as I do. There is something so fun about putting out a table full of random odds and ends and letting them create away and see their imagination flowing. Especially through the winter months, we spend a lot of our time crafting. We have...

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Make it: No-sew Fairy Tutu’s

Yesterday was a rainy day. The girls have spent most of the last week or two playing outdoors, enjoying the sunshine. A wet day indoors was the perfect excuse for us to get crafty. The girlies love dressing up, and we have a huge trunk full of dressing up outfits. Baya especially is in love...

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