Tag: 52 LISTS


List 52: Things to cook

 I’ve been pouring through my collection of recipe books, looking for some inspiration. Here are the top 5 things that I want to make in the next week or two: Warm Ratatouille Mushroom Kedgeree Tomato Risotto < Tikka Masala Dahl Aubergine Parmigiana And this is number 52 in my 52 lists!!!! A whole year of lists :)...

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List 51: Recent Books I’ve Read

One of the benefits of not having internet at home right now is that I’m doing a tonne more reading!! At this rate I’ll have read the library dry soon ;) Here’s what I read this week: Plenty – YotamOttolenghi (vegetarian cookbook) Anybody,Any Minute – Julie Mars TheConsequences of Marriage – Isla Dewar Thehand that first...

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List 49: Etsy Finds

this was supposed to be yesterday’s post….. but blogger refused to let me publish it all day!! I think I might be looking at alternatives to blogger soon :) A lovely lady I know, has just set up her etsy shop selling this funky Original Pocket Monsters:   I love this print by Angie Muldowney –...

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List 48: Inexpensive Adventures

things are pretty tight right now. my husbands salary would probably just be ok for one person – but for 5 of us, it’s not anywhere near enough. i love my life, and i’m so grateful that i get to stay home with my girls, but when we can barely make ends meet, life gets...

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List 48: Current Inspiration

I keep an inspiration board by my work desk – full of images that have caught my eye and I can gain some inspiration from. Sometimes it’s the feeling of the picture I like, or a colour, or maybe an outfit. Here a few of the newest images I’ve pinned up (click on each image...

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List 47: Things I Love About Summer

sunflowers evening walks butterflys hanging washing on the line paddling pools open windows afternoons in the park picnics trips to the seaside bare feet sunshine bands in the park smell of suncream open windows homemade icepops daisy chains fresh berries laying in a hammock dinner on the deck cut off shorts summer fairs pinwheels Happy...

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List 46: Things I’m thankful for right now

I’ll be honest, I’m feeling pretty rubbish this week. I don’t know why. I’ve not been on the internet much this week – sometimes it’s just too hard to see all these wonderful things people are doing, festivals, holidays, adventures, business success. Even a day trip is outta my budget right now, and that sucks....

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