List 46: Things I’m thankful for right now

I’ll be honest, I’m feeling pretty rubbish this week. I don’t know why. I’ve not been on the internet much this week – sometimes it’s just too hard to see all these wonderful things people are doing, festivals, holidays, adventures, business success. Even a day trip is outta my budget right now, and that sucks. I’ve fighting the urge to bury my head under my pillow and hide from the world. Here’s a list of things that I am thankful for right now – keep me trying to focus on the positive!

Fire – nothing beats an evening sat around the fire – I LOVE the smell of woodsmoke

Beautiful girls

Hula hooping

Sunshine after the rain

Fresh pineapple

What are you thankful for right now???


  1. Zoe

    June 17, 2011 at 08:26

    love your list they all sound perfect, i can so relate :) and a super huge well done to the 400 followers hun

    Zoe x

  2. mama marchand

    June 17, 2011 at 10:57

    Oh, mama.You’re not alone in your rough week! Read my blog posts as of late & know you’re in good company. *hugs*

  3. laoi gaul-williams

    June 17, 2011 at 11:41

    hi, i came here via moon to moon :)
    i had a fire in my garden the other night…while hoping the cloud would clear for the eclipse…i wa sin my pyjams and went to bed with wood smoke in my hair…it was wonderful :)

  4. RosasPicks

    June 17, 2011 at 22:26

    I love that your list is so down to earth!! And it’s comforting to know that you’ve all had a rough week too!
    I am thankful for my health, my dog Sugarfoot that I rescued 2 months ago, and that my grandmother is feeling better today!

  5. little_yaga

    June 18, 2011 at 11:19

    i know exactly how you feel. sometimes everybody else just seems to do so much better than you. but hey, 400 followers!! superWOW!! sending you a lot of sunshine thoughts!

  6. apockylypse

    June 20, 2011 at 15:55

    It seems like last week was one of those kinds of weeks for just about everyone, including me. At least you could find a little “sunshine” to be thankful for! So often we forget to be thankful for the little things around us, when that’s what brings us the most joy.  Hope this week brings you lots of love & happiness!

    Congrats on 400 followers! That’s awesome!

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