List 9: Advice to my teenage self

source you are beautiful you are not fat he will never change, he may promise you he will… but seriously he won’t. Never let your guard down and think the worst has passed.. be ready you are as good as every one else, no matter what you’ve been told step outside your head, don’t think...

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List 8: Self Care Habits

source Autumn is in the air, and I can hear it calling me to nurture my mind, body and soul. drink lots of water daily hooping sessions simple, whole foods. No dairy, no white bread. Just lots of fruit, veg and whole grains daily painting/crafting time lots of fresh air yoga listen to my body...

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Words of Wisdom

written by Max Ehrmann in the 1920s Go placidly amid the noise and the haste, and remember what peace there may be in silence. As far as possible, without surrender, be on good terms with all persons. Speak your truth quietly and clearly; and listen to others, even to the dull and the ignorant; they...

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Beautiful Blog Award

Thank you to Claire for my Beautiful Blog Award a few weeks back! Apologies that it’s taken me this long to accept it :-(    So I’m supposed to pass it on to other blogs that inspire, delight, excite, motivate me… here’s my list! Beautiful You Vie Boheme Jen Lemen Magpie Girl  ShaktiMama Away With...

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List 6: Yearnings of my heart

nights snuggled by the fire, rain pounding on the windows the courage to say what i want and need the ability to love myself a beautiful kitchen like this, full of laughter, love and dreams forgivness the gift of friendship  being loved, for who i am

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List 4: Things I love

 choco tea scarves being barefoot tattoos  incense coffee imperfection Kerouac dancing in the rain junk shops bonfires expressing yourself late, late nights authenticity books impulsiveness escaping Time candles

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