The Happy List #16

I woke up to sunshine streaming through my curtains this morning {and a cat meowing to be let out}. Blue skies always make me smile, especially when it’s the start of the day. Isn’t it amazing what a difference some sun makes to how we feel?!

There’s a lot going on behind the scenes here, lots of inner work, I just started with a new counsellor and am trying to implement some changes to try and get a handle on what’s going on.

Slowing down and being more intentional with my time, remembering to look for the good that is always there, and choosing carefully the energy I surround myself with.

Here is my happy list this week’

* rainy/muddy walks – my friend and I went out on Saturday, we’d planned a walk on the beach but the forecast changed at the last minute and we didn’t fancy a beach walk in sleet! So instead we went up a mountain in the rain {!} and found lots of mud. Still, it was just what we both needed to clear our heads and have a good ol’ chat.

* lazy weekend afternoons – letting myself rest when needed, curling up with a book while the boys play around me.

* finishing the crochet bunting and hanging it up in my new potting shed

* starting the week with a walk by the river and a play at the park

What’s on your happy list this week?

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