A Little Love List

It’s a cold and frosty morning, the sunrise this morning was beautiful as I lay on my bed with a cup of tea, my book and a cat curled at my side. The boys are with their Dad, so I had a little space to myself. An early morning trip to the tip {such a glamorous life!} followed by a couple of hours of study for my counseling course. I’m going with one of the girls and my Mama to our local Makers Market this afternoon for some festive browsing.

We have full-on festive fever now in the house, the boys are so excited about advent calendars, Christmas trees, and the impending promise of presents! I love this time of year and all the magic and memories it holds.

Is your tree up yet? I love sitting with the twinkling lights on in the evening, makes the house feel extra magical!

Here are a few things I am loving right now💖

I’ve been listening to this great podcast lately

If you want to bring a little goddess magic into the every day in the run up to Solstice, then this beautiful {free} Goddess Magic Kit from Brigids Grove is just what you need.

This pumpkin soup is exactly what I’m craving this week

Chai Spiced Coconut Milk sounds like the perfect winter drink

Next years guidelines to live by

all the heart eyes for this unit!

Relistened to this TED Talk last week

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